Saturday, 20 June 2009

Profile of Pramoedya Ananta Toer

Pramoedya Ananta Toer (1925 - 2006), Indonesian prose author that foremost, Art Nobels Prize victorious candidate. He is borne at Blora, Central java, 6th February 1925, but then proceeds and reaches for success at Jakarta. Before he passes away, she stays at Bojong, Bogor. She writes novel, short story, biography, and translating severally world art opus into indonesian. Pramoedya constitutes the most Indonesia man of letters be known at international world and is looked on as a considerable post colonialism writer, particularly passes through novel Tetralogy “Bumi Manusia” (Human earth), “Anak Semua Bangsa” (Child all Nation), “Jejak Langkah” (Staged track), and “Rumah Kaca” (Greenhouse) (1980 - 1987) that first thing is written while he is alienated at Buru island on Soeharto’s military regime term. That Tetralogy tell about Indonesian nationalism evocation process that interlaced by one inter-race loves story that end unhappy with take model a move figure that is forgotten in history, Tirto Adhi Suryo.

Stand up with severally another ‘left intellectual’, Pramoedya was alienated to go to Buru island and be jailed up to 14 years (1965 - 1979) without litigation overtakes what do be looked on as mutiny of Indonesian Communist Party one fails at the early 1965. Military also confiscate his house and burns his book collection and eight his manuscript that was published. West intellectual has once written that the mutiny for that matter is constitute emulation among faction at military. Hundreds thousand (even there is that call number millions) communist sympathizer and another peopled innocent at severally region at Indonesian, experiences persecution, murder, and incarceration after that ‘mutiny’ incident. Even up to now they are still lose civil rights.

Pramoedya's opuses that the lot vicinity total sixty book was translated into vicinity forty worldwide language, including Greek, Russia, Swedish, Spain, and Vietnamese, but ironically there are many his opus just is prohibited circulating at alone country. His bad experience up to as political prisoner be poured into two autobiography volumes, “Nyanyian Sunyi Seorang Bisu” (1995 – translated into English language as Mute ’ s Soliloquy , 1999).

International appreciation that have once he accepts for example Present Wertheim (Dutch), Magsaysay present (Philippine, 1995), Fukouka present (Japan, 2000), Le Chevalier de l’Irdre des Arts et des Lettres (France, 2004). He also there are many translate world art opus into Indonesian, for example Tikus dan Manusia (in Indonesian) (John Steinbeck's novel, 1950, republished 2003), Kembali Pada Cinta Kasihmu (Leo Tolstoy's novel, 1954), Kisah Seorang Prajurit Sovyet (Mikhail Sholokov's novel, 1954), Ibunda (Maxim Gorky's novel, 1956, republished 2000), Asmara dari Rusia (Alexander Kuprin's novel, 1959), and Manusia Sejati (Boris Polewoi's novel, 1959).

Pramoedya dies at Jakarta in age 81 on 2006 with leave one opus that don't be finished, “Ensiklopedia Kawasan Indonesia” (Indonesian Area encyclopaedia). Commenting Pramoedya's death, English foremost novelist indigenous Pakistani one also journal editor New Left Review , Tariq Ali, write in Counter Punch , 2nd May 2006, “Pramoedya Ananta Toer's death at Jakarta, 30th April 2006, are forfeit big for world literature. He is foremost Indonesia intellectual, at a swoop fiction writer that genius … ”.


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