Saturday, 20 June 2009

Example Of Java Philosophy

Now, Javanese culture, particularly Javanese Philosophy, nearly gets lost of society life. Our free life have ignored that Java philosophy. Eventually, in that philosophy contain glorious teachings that really good for society life.

Javanese philosophy basically gets universal character. So, Javanese philosophy is not just be destined for Java society, but also for any individual that wants to study it.

Severally Javanese philosophy for example:

  • Memayu hayuning bawana (protect for whole world life)

  • Sukeng tyas yen den hita (want to accept advice, criticism and rebuke)

  • Jer basuki mawa beya (someone success is gotten with sacrifice)

  • Ajining dhiri dumunung ing kedhaling lathi (point self of someone lays in utterance of tongue)

  • Ajining sarira dumunung ing busana (point warms up someone lay in dress)

  • Amemangun karyenak tyasing sesama (make delicate other people feel)

  • Kridhaning ati ora bisa mbedhah kuthaning pasthi (Soul distortion can't revamp certainty)

  • Budi dayane manungsa ora bisa ngungkuli garise Kang kuwasa (human power can't settle Lord destiny)

  • Sura dira jayaningrat lebur dening pangastuti (resentment and dislike will be erased and gets lost by bland attitude)

  • Tan ngendhak gunaning janma (don't scorn man cleverness)

Big nation is not just nation that modern, but nation who can live modern without leave teaching and cultures glorious point.


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