Wednesday 24 June 2009

Toys For Babies

From the ancient times tool is considered to be a very important tool. The work done with the help of tool will separate out a human from others. It’s in human nature that if something goes beyond your grasp, it would be more feasible to draw very close conclusion to that object by way of tool.

Toy is one kind of tool only. It also serves to educate in a different way round. For example, if you place a toy on a table then a child of 9-10month for sure is gong to try to get it in his/her hand. But you will see that after 2-3months the baby is able to catch hold of that stuff with some effort & with the help of some tool. You can focus on the main point like the whole act done by child. It’s really the work of dexterity to plan or calculate the steps for getting the toy from the table (educate your baby in skill growth), the mind that says the toy is out of reach from your hand (educate your baby in spatial relationships), and the co-ordination between hand & toy from the table (educate your baby in cognitive development).

Proper practice with the right toy in mean time will come out with colorful results. But parents hardly spares some time from their busy schedule to practice out toy on table activity on a regular basis. Tool plays an important role in educating in building up small baby’s child in various different steps. Even baby with the tool & his/her imagination power anyhow tries to get the toy from the table with some gap of time.

For proper fluency in carrying out a particular activity it needs practice as an act of tool. Put & take toys help your baby to develop this skill through functioning by way of hand. As say dropping the object into a box and picking up that again. The same put & take rut clears up the child base. The toy that offers this preparatory educational experience is the “Shape Sorter.” And to make child use toy as a tool requires next step. For example, “Toy Room” helps you to develop the use of tools. The child will insert a key to open a door in order to play with all toys stuff. So, instead of handing over an educational baby toy to the child it would be much betters that he/she should go through the room by themselves. This step will educate your child to a greater extent to achieve over all development by their age.

Steps are seen as interfering or somehow getting mixed up with the things in that stage of development. The toy after two months is surely going to frustrate the child if not given at proper time and so there will be very less chances of using/playing with that toy again. It is considered a “pairing toy,” which can be played with older ones or adult, if a child is handed over with such a toy at 10months. Such pairing may help in quicker development of the skill but it cannot prolong for much time because the child is too young to understand the toy in a clear way which catches his/her attention when they are ready.

Wisely it is said that gain of educational sense is achieved by learning toys at different ages.

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Serious Skin Care: Important Tips to Remember

If your skin isn’t quite as radiant and glowing as you’d like, you’re probably searching for some serious skin care tips and pointers. Well, hopefully we can help you out. You know, your skin's health and vitality is a just like so many other things when it comes to your appearance and your overall health - you only get out of it what you put into it.

The Problem.

Some half-hearted efforts here and there to take care of your skin are not going to give you the same great results you would get with serious skin care; however, be warned because there are many mistakes you can make when trying to take care of your skin that can make it look and feel worse.

Ok, the first misconception many people have is that serious skin care means more frequent cleaning and more vigorous methods of cleaning. Not so fast! Many folks with acne or other blemishes can get very frustrated and very angry and they feel that they simply need to scrub away their entire face to have clear skin.

The Facts.

The facts reveal something quite different. In reality these practices can cause your skin to get very dry, very rough, very irritated, very red, very flaky, and even very itchy…very not good! The skin is delicate and no serious skin care practices should include treatment or cleansing that is overly rough.

And when you clean, don’t forget that you're also stripping away important natural oils that the face needs to keep the skin soft and supple. Intense cleaning too often means that those oils are going to be stripped too often and this will end up leaving your face dry and irritated. Those natural oils are your face's own defense against lines and wrinkles, so while you want serious skin care to get your face clean you certainly don't want it to mean premature aging either.

You may be asking: “So What do I Do?”

A good moisturizer applied twice daily is a vital part of serious skin care. Moisturizers keep the skin soft and supple and when the skin is supple it more easily bounces back from being stretched or scrunched up. So when you make those funny faces or sad faces, properly moisturized skin will go back to normal when you do.

When it stops bouncing back, then lines and wrinkles are formed. Moisturizers also act as a protective barrier between the skin and the elements in the air that bother it such as dust, dirt, pollution, and so on.

Can You Handle the Truth?

Very serious skin care means taking the time to remove all your makeup at night, to clean the skin thoroughly, and then to apply a moisturizer as well. During sleep the body renews and repairs itself so this is an important time to apply moisturizers. Adding another application in the morning before you head out is also an important part of serious skin care because this will protect the skin while it’s being sapped of moisture throughout the day.

If you’re serious about serious skin care make sure that you follow a good basic skincare regimen but don't overdo it either. Neglecting your skin is not good—it’s bad--but going to the other extreme and being harsh and rough with your skin is just as bad if you want truly healthy, radiant and glowing skin.

About the Author

Sean McCool is the owner and founder of PrestoBango!-Information To Transform Your Life! Sean and his staff research 1,000's of resources each month to bring you information that, when applied, will transform your life. For Sean's latest skin care resource try

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Take Care While Gardening

Gardening is the best exercise or hobby that one can follow. To practice or work out for gardening there is no age bar as person of any age who is interested can do gardening at his/her home. After all, by performing this activity you are surely going to earn rewards but not in monetary terms in fact in terms of satisfaction and pleasure. If you are helping out at your home by doing some work then it’s not a matter of shame or should not feel dejected. It even helps you to relax and heal up your body ache. It’s always beneficial to work in open & fresh air which helps to relieve stress and keep your mind free from tension and worries. It all depends on you, to do some fruitful work by home gardening; you will also reap the harvest of any fruit trees and enjoy that too. With some few garden tips or under some gardener’s guideline you can beautify your home garden. Your hard work can turns into elegant and verdant gardens, a matter of appreciation for all.

Here are some few home garden tips that can help you to decor your garden. Always remember never plant a tree or shrubs too close to your house. Danger or risk lays when you are buying new trees or shrubs and planting them very near to your house. Of course, at first stage when you’re purchasing it’s very small and then after some couple of years it keeps on growing and so slowly and steadily it will start making some problems. This is the root cause of the problem. When it is planted near the house so it will grow and so it’s root which will keep troubling by way of causing damage to underground water pipes or breaking the drainage system of your home. At last, you have to remove the tree along with its root. You are the care taker of your home so you should be the first person to initiate this work of home garden. Before buying a particular tree or plant think each and every aspects of it till its growth. Points to be taken care of are as follows
3. Plant any tree or shrub just keeping a long distance from your house. It may trouble you afterwards by obstructing sun light or be a detriment to your landscaping scheme.
4. Just have a rough idea of what would be the size or width of that shrub or tree at the time of its maturity.
If guidelines not followed then it may cause very expensive enough to get things back to normal condition on the cost of your home and garden.

For the proper maintenance of your home garden try to tie or clip your shrubs so that air can move freely and keep watering them copiously. As all knows, air, water and sunlight are the main essentials that work in the growth of a tree or plant. Moreover, it is required in the process of photosynthesis carried out by plant or tree. So the seeds should be sprouted in such a way that they can easily catch all these essentials and later should reach till the roots of a tree. Proper irrigation facility for supplying water should be taken care of while planting. Go through some plantation schedule under some proficient gardener to gain some rewards in form of enjoyment and happiness.

Same exercise should be continued throughout the whole year. Proper shelter should be build for trees and shrubs in times of rainy season, and more in summer season.
This are some simple ways to decor your home garden to feel the magic of tranquility in your eyes. Enjoy it in return of your hard work.
About the Author

Bella Mclaine is a freelance writer, she is passionate about writing - some of his content work can be seen at website


Supplements To Fight Candida Yeast Infections

A multi-vitamin and mineral supplement is encouraged if you are dealing with candida albicans. Look for a natural, chelated form, as it provides for better absorption. Vitamin A is recommended for easier assimilation. Beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A, helps to promote secretions that inhibit the proliferation of yeast and enhance the immune system. Free-form amino acids require no digestion, which facilitates rapid absorption into the bloodstream and tissues. B-complex vitamins, when used at their highest potency and free of yeast, can help to offset nutritional depletion and inhibit the growth of the Candida fungus. Mal-absorption frequently accompanies infections such as candida. Bowel disorders are often seen with this infection.

Look for a high quality vitamin-C that has bioflavonoids. Also, be consistent in taking this supplement each and every day. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids such as rutin, hesperidin, and Pycnogenol are helpful in strengthening body tissues and promoting the expulsion of toxins. Additionally, vitamin C and bioflavonoids also help to control histamine reactions, which are often initiated by allergens. Calcium and magnesium should be taken with vitamin C, kelp, and hydrochloric acid to promote better assimilation. Calcium is crucial for proper thyroid function. A lack of calcium can often cause headaches, nervous symptoms, and fluid retention. Vitamin E is known for its ability to help ease symptoms of PMS, relive pain, prevent cramps, boost blood circulation, and increase the body’s resistance to stress and disease.

A good lactobacillus acidophilus is recommended either in capsule or liquid form, taken three times each day, with capsule form being recommended. Acidophilus has the ability to help speed intestinal recovery from antibiotic therapy, therefore destroying intestinal flora that is responsible for proper digestion and B vitamin production. Acidophilus helps to reduce the amount of histamine that has been liberated by putrefactive bacteria and is crucial for anyone who wants to prevent recurring yeast infections.

Additionally, biotin deficiencies improve with acidophilus. This supplement also helps to prevent constipation, which often weakens the immune system. Garlic, which is considered Mother Nature’s anti-fungal, has been proven in a number of clinical studies to inhibit the growth of several different kinds of fungi. Garlic is considered to be the more potent than anti-fungal agents when it comes to candida.

Evening primrose oil is rich in GLA, which is essential for good health and required by the body for the production of hormone-like compounds that control organ function. Consuming too much fat in the diet inhibits the body’s ability to manufacture its own GLA from linolenic acid.

Caprylic acid is a naturally-occurring fatty acid that is considered to be an anti-fungal compound. It is readily absorbed into the intestinal tract and has the ability to kill fungi on contact, working well when combined with other vitamins and herbs. Hydrochloric acid should be used daily with each meal, as it helps in protein assimilation. Using at least two teaspoons of olive oil daily on salads provides essential fatty acids which help to balance hormone levels and promote proper sugar metabolism.

Finally, digestive enzymes are important for normalizing digestion and breaking down protein that can remain in the colon. Using two digestive enzymes after meals and two before going to bed is recommended. Psyllium hulls, which act as an excellent colon and intestinal cleanser, provide bulk and lubrication for the bowels which strengthens colonic tissues and restores tone and works with digestive enzymes to eliminate yeast infections. If you are battling candida, natural supplements are a must for all those looking to recover from an over growth of yeast in the colon.

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Saturday 20 June 2009

Pemerintah SBY-JK gagal melaksanakan pembaruan agraria

*Siaran Pers*
Jakarta, 18 Juni 2009

*Pemerintah SBY-JK gagal melaksanakan pembaruan agraria *

Pemerintahan periode 2004-2009 tidak melaksanakan janji-janjinya untuk
melakukan pembaruan agraria. Ini terbukti sejak Program Pembaruan Agraria
Nasional (PPAN) dicanangkan pada tahun 2007 yang merupakan bagian dari
Revitalisasi Pertanian, Perikanan dan Kehutanan (RPPK) gagal dilaksanakan.
Semula, Presiden berjanji untuk meredistribusikan lahan pertanian seluas
9,25 juta hektar untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani. Namun rupanya
program tersebut hanya janji kampanye belaka tanpa ada niatan yang
sungguh-sungguh untuk mewujudkannnya. Hal tersebut dikemukakan Henry
Saragih, Ketua Umum Serikat Petani Indonesia (SPI) di Jakarta (18/6).

Alih-alih menunaikan janjinya untuk meredistribusikan lahan kepada rakyat,
pemerintah lewat Undang-undang Penanaman Modal (UUPM) malah semakin
memberikan ruang yang luas dengan meliberalisasikan penggunaan tanah kepada
perusahaan-perusahaan besar baik asing maupun dalam negeri. Konsesi tanah
dalam bentuk Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) diberikan secara membabi buta hingga bisa
mencapai 95 tahun, padahal pemerintah penjajah Belanda saja hanya memberikan
konsesi HGU paling lama 70 tahun. Meskipun pada akhirnya pasal HGU dalam
UUPM tersebut di anulir oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi, hal itu sudah menunjukkan
bahwa pemerintah tidak pro-rakyat. Liberalisasi di bidang pangan dan
pertanian semakin menggila dengan keluarnya Inpres No. 5 tahun 2008 tentang
fokus program ekonomi 2008-2009. Di dalamnya mengatur juga sejumlah konsesi
untuk perusahaan-perusahaan yang berinvestasi di bidang pangan dengan sekala
yang luas (food estate).

Sementara itu, sektor pertanian rakyat semakin terpuruk. Tengok saja dalam
usaha tani padi, konversi lahan sawah menjadi lahan non pertanian sedikitnya
terjadi 10.000 hektar per tahun. Demikian juga dengan kepemilikan lahan para
petani yang semakin turun, saat ini kepemilikan lahan oleh petani di Jawa
sekitar 0,3 hektar sedangkan di luar jawa 1,19 hektar. Adapun klaim
keberhasilan pemerintah dalam swasembada beras patut dipertanyakan lagi.
Memang benar angka-angka statistik menunjukan kenaikan yang signifikan dalam
produksi beras. Terhitung sejak tahun 2005 sampai 2008, produksi beras naik
2,7 persen per tahunnya. Namun ada yang mencurigakan, karena kenaikan
terbesar disumbangkan pada saat injury time, yakni ketika kekuasaan
pemerintah akan berakhir. Tengok saja kenaikan produksi beras pada pada
tahun 2007 dan 2008 yang mencapai masing-masing sebesar 4,76 dan 5,76

Fenomena ini sebenarnya bisa diterangkan secara sederhana, kenaikan produksi
beras yang signifikan di tahun-tahun terakhir ini berkaitan erat dengan
kenaikan subsidi pertanian yang menakjubkan. Anggaran untuk benih meningkat
tajam dari Rp. 113 miliar pada tahun 2006 menjadi Rp. 1,32 triliun pada
tahun 2009. Sedangkan subsidi pupuk meningkat dari Rp.4,18 triliun tahun
2006 menjadi Rp. 17,2 triliun tahun 2009. Jadi, berswasembada beras terwujud
berkat kenaikan subsidi input pertanian bukan disebabkan oleh perbaikan
kinerja. Wajar saja bila swasembada beras ini tidak terkait dengan
kesejahteraan petani.

Kebijakan pemerintah sekarang ini masih jauh dari amanat konstitusi, bahkan
lebih condong ke neoliberal. SPI menyatakan bahwa selama Pembaruan agraria
seperti yang dimandatkan dalam konstitusi tak dijalankan maka langkah bagi
pembangunan di Indonesia akan terus dibayangi oleh kelaparan, konflik
agraria, rusaknya infrastruktur pedesaan, dan impor pangan. Oleh sebab itu
kita butuh solusi yang berani dan luar biasa, sehingga pelaksanaan Pembaruan
Agraria yang diamanatkan dalam Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria 1960 (UUPA 1960)
sebagai penjabaran dari UUD 1945 pasal 33, merupakan agenda yang mendasar
bagi Indonesia untuk terjadinya perombakan, pembaruan, pemulihan dan
penataan sistem agraria nasional yang sejati demi keadilan dan kemakmuran
bagi petani, dan seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Dan agenda ini, tidak bisa
ditunda-tunda lagi.

Dokumen lengkap silakan unduh disini:

Idul Fitri, Hari Libur di New York

NEW YORK, — Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Kota New York, Amerika Serikat, setuju memasukkan Hari Raya Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha sebagai kalender hari-hari libur sekolah di kota itu, seperti Natal pada agama Kristen dan Yom Kippur dalam agama Yahudi.

"Alhamdulillah, dengan suara mayoritas, hanya satu suara yang menentang, resolusi tersebut diterima secara mutlak. Hari Kamis, 18 Juni 2008, merupakan hari bersejarah bagi komunitas Muslim di Kota New York," kata anggota Dewan Muslim Kota New York asal Indonesia Syamsi Ali yang menghubungi Antara di Jakarta, Jumat (19/6).

Imam Masjid Indonesia di New York ini mengungkapkan, proses menjadikan Hari Raya Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha sebagai hari libur tersebut melewati masa yang lama. Sekitar dua tahun lalu, bertepatan dengan Hari Raya Idul Adha, Kota New York mengadakan jajak pendapat di mana anak-anak Muslim harus memilih antara sekolah atau shalat Idul Adha.

Sejak itu, masyarakat Muslim membentuk koalisi besar untuk hari-hari libur Muslim atau Coalition for Muslim Holidays, yang tidak saja beranggotakan komunitas Muslim, tetapi juga berbagai organisasi non-Muslim. Keterlibatan non-Muslim ini adalah hasil dari upaya menjembatani hubungan antarkomunitas.

Beberapa waktu lalu diadakan perdebatan umum yang diikuti publik di Dewan Kota New York, di mana sejumlah rabi dan pastor mendukung usulan liburnya Idul Adha dan Idul Fitri, kata Syamsi yang pernah dinobatkan sebagai tokoh Muslim paling berpengaruh di Kota New York oleh media setempat.

Ia menjelaskan, resolusi tersebut pertama kali disponsori anggota DPRD Robert Jackson dari Bronx. Berkat kepemimpinannya di Komisi yang membawahi pendidikan dan budaya, serta dorongan dari aktivis Koalisi Hari-hari Libur Muslim itu, akhirnya mayoritas anggota DPRD mendukung, termasuk para penganut agama Yahudi.

"Pada akhirnya resolusi ini akan diajukan ke meja wali kota untuk disahkan menjadi peraturan kota. Insya Allah kita optimistis wali kota akan mengesahkan resolusi tersebut," kata Syamsi yang berasal dari Makassar itu.

Kalangan Muslim di Kota New York sedang merancang strategi untuk melobi wali kota, termasuk menghubungkan dukungannya dengan pemilihan wali kota mendatang. Wali Kota New York Michael Bloomberg yang merupakan seorang Yahudi berniat maju kembali menjadi calon wali kota periode ketiga setelah Dewan Kota mengubah pembatasan wali kota dalam dua periode.

"Bagi kami, ini sejarah yang akan dicatat dalam perkembangan Kota New York. Keberhasilan ini juga merupakan indikasi bahwa Islam dan Muslim di AS semakin mendapat pengakuan," ujarnya.

Satu dari setiap 10 warga kota New York adalah Muslim, persisnya antara 800.000 hingga sejuta orang, sementara jumlah masjid mencapai 200-an. Syamsi menungkapkan, warga Muslim New York ini terlibat dalam segala sendi kehidupan, termasuk kepolisian dan pendidikan

Boediono Imbau Para Scientist 'Bertobat'Penulis

Sabtu, 20/06/2009 07:03 WIB

Boediono Imbau Para Scientist 'Bertobat'Penulis: Amanda Ferdina - detikPemilu
(Pak Boediono, teman Anda itu ketika "tertipu"

dalam kasus Blue Energy pernah mengatakan

"I am not a scientist.....". Gimana nih.....)

Bandung - Fenomena banyaknya scientist (ilmuwan) yang beralih ke sektor lain setelah lulus membuat Cawapres Boediono angkat bicara. Lulusan Ekonomi ini meminta para scientist agar bertobat kembali ke sektor asalnya.

"Gini, di krisis (global) ini banyak scientist beralih masuk ke ekonomi, jadi banyak ciptkan produk yang aneh-aneh. Makanya, Scientist kembali saja ke sektornya," ujar Boediono.

Hal itu disampaikan Boediono di tengah acara pertemuan dengan Rektor ITB, Djoko Santoso, di Ruang Perpustakaan observasi Bosscha, Bandung, Jumat (19/06/2009) malam.

Boediono menyatakan bahwa sejak muda ia memiliki pula impian menjadi ilmuwan. Akan tetapi tidak dapat terlaksana. "Minat saya terhadap science sudah jauh ketika muda. Tapi nggak bisa terlaksana impian ini. Saya masuk menjadi ekonom," imbuhnya.

Science dianggap Boediono sebagai ilmu yang bermanfaat ke depannya.

"Untuk manfaat langsung, tidak bisa kita hanya untuk pasar dan suku bunga, itu kan hanya jangka pendek. Tapi jangka panjangnya ke ilmu pasti, ke ilmu science teknologi," katanya sambil tersenyum.

Bersama rektor ITB dan rombongan, Boediono sempat mengunjungi dua teropong bintang yang terletak di sana. Boediono yang mengaku pertama kali datang, berkesempatan menggunakan teropong dan melihat planet saturnus dan bintang BE yg terang.

"Luar biasa mengamati bintang, benar-benar luar biasa. ini adalah aset nasional yang perlu kita lestarikan," ujar Boediono setelah menggunakan teropong.

Sebelumnya, boediono juga meminta dukungan kepada puluhan pengusaha Jawa Barat dan meminta agar isu atau pun komentar yang berkembang dapat disaring dan dikonfirmasikan dahulu.

"Menjelang tanggal 8 Juni makin intensif komentar dan SMS. Saya mohon tolong disaring, tidak semuanya betul. kalau perlu bisa dikonfirmasikan," ujar Boeodiono di acara pertemuan dengan pengusaha Jabar, di Grand Hotel Universal, Jl Setiabudi, Bandung.

Ia juga menyatakan tidak ada hal yang tersembunyi antara dirinya maupun SBY.

"Kecocokan Bapak SBY dan saya cukup baik. Tidak perlu dicari-sari selahnya," imbuhnya. ( amd / anw )======
Pak Boediono, teman Anda itu ketika "tertipu" dalam kasus Blue Energy pernah mengatakan
"I am not a scientist.....". Gimana nih.....